Our house

Master gingerbread makers since 1796
Created in 1796, Mulot & Petitjean House is specialized in gourmet gingerbread making. Today, we have managed to keep the old know-how and secrets of the dijonese gingerbread masters. Still base in Dijon, we make our gingerbreads out of rigorously picked raw material.

The history of
the Dijon gingerbread
Gingerbread is an ancestral product whose first traces have been dated to the 5th century in China. In old times, this bread called “Mi-kong“, was famed for its energetical values and conservation properties.
That’s why it was used as war rations for the warriors of Gengis Khan. It was then only composed of flour and honey. With the crusades, this honey bread was slowly introduced in western culinary culture, where it was enriched of spices.
During the Middle-Ages, the gingerbread appears in Europe. This product will then regale the inhabitants of castles and convents. It is introduced at the table of the Dukes of Burgundy thanks to Marguerite of Flandres, spouse of Philipp the Hardy, Duke of Burgundy. She brings the “Boichet” from her travels : the ancestor of gingerbread, made from wheat flour.
During the XXth century, there was up to twelve gingerbread factories in Dijon. Mulot & Petitjean is now the last gingerbread factory of Dijon.
More than 225 years of history
Mulot & Petitjean,
a regional and family tradition
oriented towards the future
In 2021, Mulot & Petitjean House celebrated its 225th year, it’s also the year during which Catherine Petitjean enrolls her daughter Marie Petitjean-Dugourd.
Catherine Petitjean, 9th generation of a gingerbread makers family, prepares the transmission of her experience and skills to the future 10th generation.
40 women and men keep on the daily tradition and participate to the making of this top of the line french product.
The necessary work of a Human hand on the dought and the respect of the time between the making steps are real authenticity guarantee.
If the tools and machines have evolved, the ingredients and process of manufacturing haven’t.

Between transmission and innovation
Mulot & Petitjean is proud of its excellency and expertise. It is a subtil equilibrium between transmission and innovation which allows us to offer our customers a gourmet gingerbread of reknowned quality.
We have developed our gammes for the pleasure of our clients. Beyond our traditional products such as Dijon gingerbread pavé, the orange nonnettes, the icy-thin biscuits, the croquets, we have been able to innovate thanks to new formats, new recipes, and new flavors. Nowadays, gingerbread with figs, mustard, and nonnettes with raspberry, chocolate or onion fillings delight gourmet palates.
In addition to preserving the legacy left over from decades and decades, it is looking to the future that Mulot et Petitjean is pursuing its R&D, CSR and digitalization initiatives.

The history of our historical head office
The Hotel Catin de Richemont
A private mansion built in the 15th century, the building belonged in the 17th century to the Catin de Richemont family, a famous family of Burgundian parliamentarians who gave it its name.
It was then sold several times and it was in 1805 that Barnabé Boittier set up his gingerbread business there.
In 1912, the manufacture of gingerbread was transferred to 6 boulevard de l’Ouest in Dijon where gingerbread is still made and where visitors can discover the secrets of gingerbread making in the museum space.
After the First World War, in 1919, the building was restored in the neo-Gothic style.
Our expertise
Enter the gourmet workshop

Do you know how is made
Dijon gingerbread ?
The Mulot & Petitjean house remains faithful to traditional know-how passed down from generation to generation. Discover how the rare and authentic taste of Dijon gingerbread is created, part of the French gourmet heritage.
The manufacture of Dijon gingerbread begins as before, with the development of a mother dough, based on wheat flour, honey and sweeteners.
The mother dough is then left to rest for a few weeks then taken up and softened during an operation called “steering”. This is when the egg yolks, baking powders and natural flavorings are incorporated.
The dough is then rolled out, cut out with a cookie cutter or put into moulds.
The cooking time can vary from a few minutes to two hours, depending on the production. The products are then filled, decorated with candied fruit and then glazed, according to the recipe.
Mother dough
So many steps carried out by our passionate employees, who require mastered know-how and solid knowledge of the trade. Quality of raw materials, skilful dosages, patience, technical gestures and subtleties of cooking, are the components of the production of Dijon gingerbread.

A word from Catherine Petitjean
If the machines have changed, for more efficiency and less difficulty, the gingerbread process remains unchanged. Producing better while consuming less is more than ever our motto.

Our values and commitments
Maison Mulot & Petitjean has been committed to a CSR policy since 2017.
Every day, we strive to “do well, do together, do local”.

Tous nos produits sont fabriqués
à la fabrique située à Dijon
Sans conservateurs et avec des arômes naturels sans arômes artificiels
– Miel français et européen
– Œufs de poules élevées en plein air
– Farine de Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Revalorisation de nos déchets :
coproduits, dons, méthanisation…
Our labels
Our know-how and best practices
have been awarded by several French labels.

Living heritage company
La Maison Mulot & Petitjean a été la première société agroalimentaire labellisée “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” en Bourgogne.

IFS Certification
Mulot & Petitjean est certifié IFS depuis 2016. La certification justifie notre capacité à répondre aux exigences des distributeurs en matière de qualité et sécurité des produits alimentaires.

Quality Artisan Producer
Mulot & Petitjean a été une des premières entreprises bourguignonnes à recevoir cette distinction créée par le Collègue Culinaire de France.

Entrepreneurs and committed
L’entreprise a été une des premières entreprises de la région à recevoir ce label qui récompense les produits issus de PME Françaises engagées dans une démarche RSE.